
The time has come for us to part ways … This blog has been my voice for the last 8 months, and honestly, this is a little bittersweet. I remember writing my first few blogs and thinking that there was no way anyone would really care about what I had to say … but you all have proven me wrong. I’ve met so many amazing clients and friends through this site. I’ve been able to share their stories and photos, and give you all some insight in to my life. Today is the date: I’m moving on to my new site, designed by my amazingly talented friend, Rob. I’ll no longer be posting here … This blog will always be a reminder of the beginning of my photography journey. Now it’s time for me to move on to the future.



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I’ve gotten some questions lately about my equipment … what I prefer, what would I suggest, what’s next, etc. I by no means consider myself an expert, but I am flattered when someone trusts my judgement when it comes to their photography. I’ve decided to start a new section on my blog with the hopes of helping other photographers or photography hobbyists. Most recently, I was with a client who loves taking photos of her family and friends, but she’s not too excited about the lens she’s using. I had this exact same problem when I started my photography adventure … so here was my advice:

When you’re buying a DSLR, you have two options. You can buy a camera body by itself, or a camera that comes in a set with a lens. These lenses are often referred to as kit lenses … and these are typically the first lenses that are replaced. When I bought my first camera, I definitely wanted a lens, so I opted for the kit camera kit. My Nikon D90 came with a Nikkor 18-105 f3.5-5.6 lens. To be completely honest, I didn’t really even know what all of those numbers meant at the time. Basically, the first set of numbers is the focal length of the lens. The lower the number, the wider the angle. On this particular lens, the focal length of 18 would be way zoomed out and wide, and 105 would be zoomed in. These numbers are really nice for a first lens. It gives you a big range of focal distances, which means you would be able to use 1 lens for more than one situation (landscapes or portraits). The second set of numbers is the aperture of the lens. This is the most important number while looking for a lens. The aperture refers to the amount of light that is getting through the lens. The lower the number, the larger the opening. Think of the aperture of the lens just like the pupil of your eye. When it’s really bright outside, your pupils get tiny … likewise, when you’re in a dark room, your pupils get huge to let as much light in as possible. When you’re taking photographs, natural light is the best, but since it’s best to stay out of direct, full-sun as much as possible, having a lower aperture lens is ideal. Am I boggling your mind yet? Stick with me. This post is about lenses … so for more about aperture, see this post. Basically, the kit lens that came with my camera has a larger aperture (f3.5) … which mean it’s not the best in low light. In order to compensate for the poor low-light performance of this lens, I would crank up my ISO (sensitivity to light), but that often results in tons of noise (grain) in the photo, which is a no-no.  One last note about aperture: The lower your aperture, the more beautiful bokeh you’ll achieve in your photos. Bokeh is the gorgeous blurring that you often see in photography. The better the lens … the better the bokeh (if you’re in to that sort of thing). Again, for a more detailed explanation, see this post from The Pioneer Woman’s site.

Okay, So we’ve established that my first lens was not the best choice when it came to portraits. I wanted better low light performance and more bokeh … really, I just wanted to main subject to be the main focus of the photo. So, I did some research and discovered the Nikkor 50mm f1.8 lens. This is a prime lens, meaning it doesn’t zoom. It’s a fixed focal length … 50 mm is great for portraits. You have to be at least 1.5 feet from your subject, but it’s just a great lens. The best part of the lens is the aperture … 1.8. This means the ‘pupil’ of the lens can open up super wide and let in tons of light. You can use this lens outside, but you can also use the lens inside and still get some nice results. The lens only costs about $120.00, which is VERY affordable for a nice lens.

See how large the ‘eye’ of the lens can open up???

I love my 50mm 1.8 lens. I don’t use it as much anymore, as I’ve upgraded to it’s better, sister lens: The Nikkor 50mm f1.4. It’s essentially the same lens (focal length wise), but the lens opens up wider than the 1.8, letting even more light into the camera. Both of these lenses are great. I don’t use them in all situations, but for portraits, they are wonderful. The wider apertures make the skin seem smoother and the bokeh adds something to the photos. By the way … Canon also makes the 50mm lenses … so, no worries for all of you Canon users.

Here are the two lenses side-by-side … and yes, that might be my favorite Shootsac cover in the background.

I hope this posts helps! Please feel free to email me with any questions!!

Oh, and while J was helping me … I couldn’t help but snap this one:

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Where did April go? Seriously. I feel like Jimmy just had his birthday (April Fools baby), and now, May is right around the corner. I’m excited for May for several reasons. One: The weather. Any of you who live in Indiana know that the weather here is quite bi-polar. Aka, we’ve already hit the 80 degree mark, yet it was rainy and 50 something today. Blah. So yes, May means much more consistent weather … that makes me a happy camper. Two: Busy season. May marks the start of my busy season with photography. I am super excited about working with my amazing clients, and seeing all of the beautiful weddings!! Not only am I blessed to have business (and be busy), but several of my sessions/weddings are out of the Indianapolis area (and even out of the state), which means we get to do a bit of traveling this year. Definitely awesome … That leads to Three: PORTLAND! We’ve been planning this trip since January, and we’re so stoked that it’s officially here. Our bestest friends Rob & Amy moved to Portland, OR a couple months ago, and we’re missing them like crazy. As soon as we got the news that they would be moving, we booked our plane tickets and planned on going out the week after J was done with school. Well, we’re leaving in a week (and a half) and seriously … could not be more excited. We’ve been dealing with so much lately (school, work, etc), so it will feel great to take a vacation together. This will be our 2nd official vacation we’ve ever been on together (5 years), so I think we deserve it.

So that’s why I’m excited about May. I have a feeling it will be wonderful. Did I mention we’re going to Portland?!? Ok, ok. I’ll stop, for now.

Since no post is complete without a photo … Here is a shot I grabbed last week when J and I were over at Rob & Amy’s former house doing a few last minute fixes before the new owner closes on the house. Rob & Amy, I thought you might like to see a little piece of your old back yard.

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I stood in the kitchen, and he sat there meowing at my feet. I looked down and thought, “Now what?”. He was my first baby.

Some how, back in 2006, I ended up with this little fur ball. Jimmy was studying abroad in South America that summer, and I was back on campus trying to act like I didn’t miss my boyfriend (that’s weird to say now that we’re married) like CRAZY. I decided to take a trip out to his family’s farm one weekend … which proved to be a great idea. This little orange kitten followed me around the whole day, and some how J’s mom was able to talk me into taking it home. So, I put him in a cardboard box and brought him back to school with me.

Fast forward to about a month later when J got home from South America. Bill went from being my baby to being Jimmy’s buddy. I’m used to this now, as our first dog totally loves him more than she loves me. Since then, Bill has gone from a tiny kitten to a cat that resembles Garfield.

Last night, I noticed he was acting funny: Hissing at the dogs, squatting every 10 seconds, struggling to get urine out. After lots of advice from my family, we decided to take him to the pet ER. They were able to rule out a complete urinary tract blockage, and think his bladder is just very irritated. We’re keeping a close eye on him, and he’s resting comfortably in our bathroom (with pain killers). Some people might think we’re crazy for not waiting until the morning, but male cats can go from being perfectly fine to dying (or needing MAJOR surgery or needing to be euthanized) in a matter of days if urinary issues are not resolved quickly. He’s not completely out of the woods yet … we are waiting on the results from his urinalysis before moving forward with antibiotics. I am sure he will be fine in a few days … like I said, he’s our first baby, so we’re hoping he recovers quickly!

On a related note: While we were at the pet ER last night, we were witness to someone losing their dog. Apparently, the dog was pretty old and had gone to get dental work done at its vet office that morning. Everything seemed fine after, but he had a reaction to the anesthesia once they got home and went into cardiac arrest. We heard the nurses tell the man that they were starting CPR, and then next thing we saw was the man walking past the door holding his dog … and then he called his wife to tell her the news. It was hard to hear … and I really wished the walls were thicker so we didn’t have to listen. It instantly reminded me of ‘Marley and Me’ and how much that movie touched my heart. Even though we always joke that our pets are a pain in the rear, we really love them just like they are our kids … I mean, until we have real children, our pets are our babies. I hope the family that lost their dog last night is able to get some closure … I know when I got home, I wanted to hug our dogs a little more than normal, and let them give me extra doggy kisses.

I don’t want to be a Debbie-Downer … Just goes along with the whole thing, ‘Today could be your last … so love like there’s no tomorrow’.

Meet Mike & Sara … They are one of two Mike & Sara(h)s that I’m working with this summer. This Mike & Sara have an adorable Pug … oh wait, so does the other Mike & Sarah … Yes, I think it’s cool too. I first met Sara a few years ago at Buffalo Wild Wings … back in my omnivore days. We met through our mutual friend, Angie, who loved super duper cheap wing night (Tuesday) as much as we did. I secretly thought Sara and Angie were cooler than me, because they ordered really hot wings, and I was a ‘medium’ wing wimp. Or maybe they were just cooler than me in general … let’s go with the former.

I met with Mike & Sara a couple months ago to talk about their wedding … It was the first time I met Mike officially, the actual first time was at a party in college, so I give him an excuse for not remembering. When I met with them, they were newly engaged and Sara had just picked out her wedding dress that day. It’s BEAUTIFUL by the way … Mike, it might make your teary-eyed. Just saying! They will be getting married in Indianapolis this September and I am so excited that I’ll be part of their day! I can tell it’s going to be beautiful … and fun. Just like them. Enjoy!

Good job Mike! Sara’s ring is BEAUTIFUL!

Hi Ella!

Love these two!

Mike & Sara are Ohio State fans  … They put their jerseys on for a few fun shots … PS, the last one is my favorite!

See … This one is awesome! I could see this printed on a canvas and hung in the living room!

Photo credit

Today is one of my favorite days of the year. Yes, I know … I’m a crazy tree-hugging vegetarian, but it’s really much more than that. I love Earth Day. This Earth Day is especially significant as it’s been 40 years since the first one. Even though I think everyone should focus on being eco-friendly or eco-conscious every single day, it would be most awesome if everyone would do a few things on Earth Day to make a little bit of a difference. Here at our house, we really strive to put as little impact on our world as we can. Ideally, I’d live completely off the grid, I’m just not sure I could survive without the internet … or the E! channel.

If I could encourage anyone to make any changes, that would be wonderful. Here are a few of the things we’ve done since last Earth Day … and I promise you can do it too.

Recycling at home: At first … I really didn’t want to, because I’m lazy. Jimmy persuaded me, and promised that it wouldn’t be that difficult. I gave in, and we’ve been doing a pretty good job since then. We don’t have a curbside recycling program (or at least not a free one), so we take our three plastic totes to a local recycling dumpster about once a month. That’s it! It’s easy. Since then, we’ve noticed that we have hardly any trash. We didn’t even take our trashcan out to the curb yesterday since there was only 1 bag. It’s pretty cool.

Buying organic food: Ohhhh how I love Fresh Market. We’ve been shopping there for months, and really focusing on buying organic food. We’re not quite to 100% organic (nothing tastes like JIF peanut butter), but we feel like the change we’ve made is making a difference. After watching Food Inc., we vowed to give up the huge supermarkets and focus more on smaller stores. I cannot wait until this summer to shop at our local farmers markets.

Unplugging: Ok, my husband hates me for this one … I make him unplug his computer cord every single time he’s not using it. Part of that has to do with being paranoid about our house burning down … but the other part has to do with the fact that if you leave appliances and cords plugged in while they aren’t being used, they will still use electricity. Let’s be real, it’s great to help the environment, but this one helps save money, too.

Eating Vegetarian: Google it. The meat industry contributes to TONS of gas being released into the atmosphere, and TONS of energy is used in the processing of the animals. If the demand for meat was reduced … there wouldn’t be as many animals being processed … which would help the environment. I know better than to tell anyone how to eat, but I would still try to encourage everyone to pick at least one day a week to leave meat off of their menu. It’s good for the earth, but it might also encourage you to try a new recipe or a new food. If you need any yummy vegetarian recipes, just let me know. I have several favorites that I’d be happy to share.

Other than that … you can change you light bulbs to compact fluorescent bulbs, turn lights off when you leave the room, turn your heat down a few degrees, plant a tree, grow your own fruit and veggies at home, wash your laundry in cold water. Yes, there are thousands more things that you can do, but those are just a few that we’ve done that have been fairly easy.

Hope you all have a happy Earth Day. Remember … Respect your mother (Earth).

Nick & Jessie were married last weekend at Falls Park in Pendleton, Indiana. The location was beautiful, and even though I was sure it was going to be too cold outside, the weather was perfect, and the ceremony was lovely. They were joined by their closest friends and family, including their two children, Eva and Aiden. Nick & Jessie … I wish you and your little family nothing but love and happiness. I am so thankful you chose to have me to be part of your big day. You two are wonderful! Enjoy.

Nick & Jessie decided to see each other before the ceremony. I love it when couples decide to see each other before. Seems to help the wedding jitters before the ceremony, and it makes the day go so smoothly.

Here we go!

Time for a toast.

One last one…

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What a happy day! Little Miss Lilly is officially 1 whole year old! She’s an amazing little 1-year-old. She’s walking … and running. She’s talking, which is adorable … and she’s so cute. I am so happy that I’ve been able to document some of Lilly’s big milestones since she was 6 months old. Lilly, I hope your first birthday is amazing. Jimmy and I love you bunches! Enjoy!


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